If we are not designing your float then feel free to move to the next step. Otherwise please continue.
Whether you create the float design, or we do, this is the most fun part of the process. At Parade Float Shop we want to dig deep into your inner artist and depict your idea. This is the point where we need to determine the boundaries of the project.
All ideas in this phase are great. Here we see everything as different levels of practicality. Our only concern in this phase, here at Parade Float Shop, is safety. How can we make your float safe. At this phase you will never hear, at least from us, that your idea will not work. We can create anything. We are going to inform you on what will be required to manifest the project, from a practical perspective. In the next phase you will determine if it is practical for your use-case. We recommend that you pitch at least 2 ideas to begin the sketches.
It is best if we follow the standards of the parade organizers. The best organized parades provide a rule book with the limits enforced by the parade organizers. These rules usually pertain mostly to safety. Such as height limits because of power lines or streetlights. Or the length limits because of sharp turns along the parade route. Each event has its own standard.
We will create a virtual, scaled 3-D model of your idea so you can visualize the float. This is where you should make as many changes as you see fit to accomplish your set goals. Changes in this phase carry little cost compared to when you are in the building phase. We can change anything at any phase, it will just require more costly resources if the change occurs later in the process.